Mufasa The Lion King (2024)
Mufasa The Lion King 2024 .Mufasa, a young lion cub separated from his parents by a flood, finds himself rescued by another cub named Taka. They form a strong bond despite their differing backgrounds, but their friendship is tested when a threat to their pride forces them to confront their pasts and
Rebel Ridge (2024)
Rebel Ridge 2024 An ex Marine grapples his way through a web of small town corruption when an attempt to post bail for his cousin escalates into a violent standoff with the local police chief
Foe (2023)
Foe 2023 Hen and Junior farm a secluded piece of land that has been in Juniors family for generations, but their quiet life is thrown into turmoil when an uninvited stranger shows up at their door with a startling proposal
Brother (2022)
Brother 2022 Propelled by the pulsing beats of Torontos early hip hop scene, BROTHER is the story of Francis and Michael, sons of Caribbean immigrants maturing into young men Exploring themes of masculinity, identity and family, a mystery unfolds during the sweltering summer of 1991, and escalating