Cardboard Gangsters (2016)
Cardboard Gangsters (2016) Cardboard Gangsters follows the story of a group of young lads in Darndale, led by Jay Connolly (John Connors), who sell drugs to make a living. They set out in a bid to gain more money and power and enter the big leagues of the drug trade. Things begin to unravel quickly
King of the Travellers (2012)
King of the Travellers (2012) King of the Travellers is a contemporary drama grounded in the traditions of the Irish traveller community and driven by emotive Shakespearean themes of love, betrayal, friendship and revenge. The story follows John Paul Moorehouse on his destructive quest to uncover th
Broken Law (2020)
Broken Law 2020 This is a story about a guard named Dave Connolly whose loyalty to the law gets tested by his younger brother Joe who has a criminal background and in desperate need of his brothers help Being the older brother, Dave feels a sense of obligation and decides to help Joe, however, durin