Superman (19962000)
Superman (19962000) Set in present day Metropolis against the backdrop of a bright, urban landscape, the ageless superhero combats sinister villains and rescues innocent victims in exciting new stories based on universal themes encompassing the same time-honored tradition of the classic Superman leg
Tango Shalom (2021)
Tango Shalom 2021 A Tango dancer and a rabbi develop a plan to enter a dance competition without sacrificing his orthodox beliefs Family, tolerance, and community are tested one dazzling dance step at a time
Mixed Company (1974)
Mixed Company (1974) Joseph Bologna portrays a racially prejudiced basketball coach who is persuaded to adopt three (more!) kids of mixed ethnic backgrounds. Frustrated and angry at first, his feelings soon turn to love. In HD.
Love Is All There Is (1996)
Love Is All There Is (1996) The Capomezzo's and the Malacici's are Italian-American families who are also rivals in the catering and restaurant business. Things come to a head when the Capomezzo's son and the Malacici's daughter get thrown together for the leads in a Romeo & Juliet community play. A
The Big Bus (1976)
The Big Bus (1976) The ultimate disaster film parody. A nuclear powered bus is going Non-stop from New York to Denver and is plagued by disasters due to the machinations of a mysterious group allied with the Oil lobby. When the driver is injured a washed up, down on his luck, but used to be great ty
Transylvania 65000 (1985)
Transylvania 65000 (1985) Tabloid reporters Jack Harrison and Gil Turner are sent to Transylvania with two choices: find the Frankenstein monster or find new jobs. But before the jumpy journalists can dig up their big story, they must first face the horrors of an extremely clumsy butler, a nymphoman
Prime Target (1989)
Prime Target (1989) In this crime drama, a NYPD detective looks into the deaths of several policewomen and discovers that she is to be the killer's next victim. In HD.
Alligator II: The Mutation (1991)
Alligator II: The Mutation (1991) A giant alligator runs amok in a small town lake.
Boynton Beach Club (2005)
Boynton Beach Club (2005) A romantic comedy about our amazing capacity to rebound and fall in love at any age. Lois, Harry, Marilyn ,Sandy and Jack live in an "Active Adult" community in Boynton Beach, Florida. Their lives intersect when they meet at a local Bereavement Club where they go to find em
Cops and Robbers (1973)
Cops and Robbers (1973) Tom and Joe are disillusioned New York City cops who decide to pull off one big robbery and retire on the proceeds. Bearer bonds are what the local Mafia boss will buy, so that's what they go for. Central Park is the location for the switch. Can they come out of it with their