Oh Lucy! (2017)
Oh Lucy! (2017) The drama-comedy tells the story of Setsuko Kawashima (Terajima), a lonely, chain-smoking office lady in Tokyo who is past her prime. After deciding to take an English class, she discovers a new identity in her American alter ego, 'Lucy,' and falls for her instructor, John (Hartnett)
Angel Dust (1994)
Angel Dust (1994) Every Monday at 6 pm a young woman is murdered in the subway. The psychiatrist Setsuko Suma is called in to assist the police. The trail leads to another psychiatrist - Dr Rei Aku - who Setsuko used to date. As she get closer to the solution, she gets more and more convinced that A
Masterless (2015)
Kane Madison is an architect working in Los Angeles while his doppelgangerlike spirit, an eighteenth century Ronin, wanders a parallel netherworld of masked demons and Japanese swordsmen. When tragedy strikes, Kane embarks on a journey of faith which prompts the Ronin to seek out his true master in
Gensan Punch (2021)
Gensan Punch 2021 From the award winning CannesVeniceToronto elected director Brillante Mendoza, GENSAN PUNCH is inspired by the true story of a Japanese man with a prosthetic leg, who travelled to the Philippines to train to become a professional boxer