Chappelles Show (20032006)
Chappelles Show (20032006) The sketch-comedy show, starring comic Dave Chappelle, follows the tried-and-true formula of similar shows that preceded it. Chappelle performs a stand-up routine that leads into a taped comedy sketch. The show usually ends with a musical performance. The show is often con
The Comedy Store (2020 )
The Comedy Store (2020 ) This documentary series brings to life the legends, heartbreak and history created at The Comedy Store, which over the past 47 years has launched the careers of a breathtaking array of stars.
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (2009)
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (2009) In a desperate attempt to save his rapidly failing used car dealership, Ben Selleck hires a crack team of "car mercenaries" to ramp up sales during the Fourth of July weekend. Led by the fast-talking, foul-mouthed, self-assured Don "The Goods" Ready, the group
Neal Brennan: 3 Mics (2017)
Neal Brennan: 3 Mics (2017) Neal Brennan is taking multitasking to a whole new level in his new Netflix special, 3 Mics, which features the comedian switching between three different microphones symbolizing three different styles of comedy.
Michelle Wolf: Nice Lady (2017)
[HBO] HD. Best-known as a writer/contributor on "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah," Michelle Wolf makes her HBO stand-up debut.
Neal Brennan: Women and Black Dudes (2014)
Neal Brennan: Women and Black Dudes (2014)
Al Madrigal: Shrimpin Aint Easy (2017)
Al Madrigal: Shrimpin Aint Easy (2017) Hillarious comedy about family and fatherhood.
Neal Brennan Blocks (2022)
Neal Brennan Blocks 2022 Follows Neal Brennan as he talks about the emotional and cultural issues that make him feel like somethings wrong with him in a humorous way, from drugs and alcohol, liberalism, to his small chances of finding real love
Seth Meyers Lobby Baby (2019)
Seth Meyers Lobby Baby 2019 SNL alumnus and subversive master of late night TV Seth Meyers comes out from behind the desk to share some lighthearted stories from his own life
Neal Brennan Crazy Good (2024)
After exploring his mental health struggles in previous specials, comedian Neal Brennan looks at the "upside" of bad mental health.