Watership Down (1978)
Watership Down (1978) Based upon Richard Adam's novel of the same title, this animated feature delves into the surprisingly violent world of a warren of rabbits as they seek to establish a new colony free of tyranny and human intervention. Frightening and bloody in some scenes. Not recommended for y
Rentadick (1972)
Rentadick (1972) Armitage runs a chemical company that is on the verge of producing a gas that causes temporary disability. Clearly the military want it but it is also sought by a group of Japanese. Both Armitage and Madam Greenfly hire different people in the same detective agency to guard the gas
A Home of Your Own (1965)
A Home of Your Own (1965) Wordless comedy about the trials and tribulations which abound when a young couple attempt to build their dream home.
Our Flesh and Blood (1977)
Our Flesh and Blood 1977 How Mums and Dads feel when they have one
A Chorus of Disapproval (1989)
A Chorus of Disapproval (1989) A man new to a smallish British town joins an amateur theatre company. Once there, he discovers that the drama on stage is quite often nothing compared to what's happening behind the scenes: seduction, romance, faction fighting, and the inevitable jealosy.