Storyline: With Naruto as the Seventh Hokage, Hidden Leaf Village is planning to host the Chunin Exams to train new shinobi from the village and from their allied villages. Among the entrants are Sasuke's daughter, Sarada, Mitsuki, an exceptionally talented yet mysterious shinobi...And Boruto, Naruto's talented but impetuous son. Meanwhile, Sasuke who's been on a mission in another dimension appears before Naruto to warn of a strange impending danger. Shrouded with an evil aura, Momoshiki and Kinshiki appear and attempt to assassinate Naruto. Petrified, Boruto is shielded by Naruto, only to disappear in front of Boruto's own eyes.
It Happened in Brooklyn (1947)
It Happened in Brooklyn (1947) Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick, the janitor of his old High School, and get a jo
Cry Freedom (1987)
Cry Freedom (1987) Donald Woods is chief editor of the liberal newspaper Daily Dispatch in South Africa. He has written several editorials critical of the views of Steve Biko. But after having met him for the first time, he changes his opinion. They meet several times, and this means that Woods and
Hollywood 90028 (1973)
Hollywood 90028 1973 Mark, a young photographer, travels to Hollywood hoping to make it as a cameraman in the movie business Unfortunately, the only jobs he can find are shooting porn loops for a sleazy producer Depressed and increasingly delusional, he begins to take out his frustrations on pretty
The Devils Wedding Night (1973)
The Devils Wedding Night (1973) The 1800s: scholarly Karl Schiller believes he's found the ring of the Nibelungen, which holds great power. It's at Castle Dracula. His twin, Franz, a gambler, asks if vampires frighten Karl; Karl shows him an Egyptian amulet, which may protect him. Franz takes the am
The Coed and the Zombie Stoner (2014)
When a nerdy sorority girl falls in love with a zombie, it's only a matter of time before a zombie apocalypse is unleashed on campus. The sorority girl discovers that weed is the cure--now ...
Gantz: O (2016)
Gantz: O (2016) After being brutally murdered in a subway station, a teen boy awakens to find himself resurrected by a strange computer named Gantz, and forced to fight a large force of invading aliens in Osaka.
Queen Sized (2008 )
An overweight girl, Maggie Baker, is elected Homecoming queen by the mean girls in the high school.
She Taught Love (2024)
She Taught Love 2024 A guy, Frank, on a self destructive path A girl, Mali, with an expiration date What a perfect time to meet and fall in love
Emmanuelle 5: A Time to Dream (1994)
Emmanuelle 5: A Time to Dream is a 1994 television movie, which was the fifth episode from the erotic series Emmanuelle in Space. It was directed by David Cove, produced by Alain Siritzky, and edited by Josefine Anderson. The screenplay was written by Mark Evan Schwartz, based on character by Emmanu
Go Gorilla Go (1975)
Go Gorilla Go (1975) Young Marco Sartori is hired as a bodyguard of the manufacturer Gaetano Sampioni who is blackmailed by mysterious criminals.
Chromophobia (2005)
Chromophobia (2005) Every family has its secrets and tries to hold them hidden within domestic walls. However, those of the family of Marcus Aylesbury are in order to become public because of the family's long date friend Trent, a journalist faithful to his ideals who, put under pressure by his edit
Miguel Wants to Fight (2023)
Miguel Wants to Fight 2023 A coming of age comedy about a 17 year old in who asks his three best friends to help him get in his first fight ever before he moves to a new city
Vengeance (2019)
Vengeance 2019 Vengeance takes place roughly thirty years after the events of Jason Lives Friday the 13th Part VI The story begins with Elias Voorhees, Jasons father, returning to Crystal Lake and a string of grisly murders that soon follows his arrival After hearing the news of the most recent kill
High Strung Free Dance (2018)
High Strung Free Dance (2018) A young choreographer casts a contemporary dancer and an innovative pianist in New York's most anticipated new Broadway show.
Nirontor (2020)
Nirontor (2020) A story that started in the mountains among two colleagues in a regular office tour. And found its way down to the plains following a complex trail of relationships, love and empathy.
VHS85 (2023)
VHS85 2023 Unveiled through a made for TV documentary, five chilling tales of found footage horror emerge to take viewers on a gore filled journey through the grim underbelly of the forgotten 1980s
Cold Eyes of Fear (1971)
Cold Eyes of Fear 1971 Respectable lawyer Peter picks up Anna, an Italian woman of dubious virtue, from the club and takes her back to his Uncles place They soon discover they are not alone A gunman Quill Julian Mateos, is waiting for them