Storyline: Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation (1986) In this second installment to the original Care Bear Movie trilogy of the 1980s, the Care Bear Family goes on their first Caring Mission--to stop the evil doings of a demon villain, named Dark Heart, from taking over a summer camp while making the Bears and Cousins vanish forever. In exchange for the Family's capture, he gives a camper named Christy the chance to succeed as the "Camp Champ" over her so-named rival. While starting the Kingdom of Caring, its founders (True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse) will stop at nothing to end the wrath of the Bears' first villain. Christy's friends, Dawn and John, and the rest of the Family join them in doing so. Narrating the tale is the Great Wishing Star (voiced by Chris Wiggins), who also helps True Heart and Noble Heart start the Kingdom, as both of them take care of the little orphan Cubs.
Just Between Friends (1986)
Just Between Friends 1986 Holly and Sandy strike up an instant friendship they dont know however that they have more in common than theyd like When tragedy strikes, their relationship is tested
Fantail (2013)
Fantail (2013) Tania thinks she's Maori. She works the graveyard shift at a petrol station, saving money so she can take her brother Piwakawaka to Surfers Paradise to find their dad. When Pi goes away to pick kiwifruit, Tania is left by herself to plan for their trip. Stuck in a petrol station - get
A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story
Tracy Thurman was married to a man who abused her. But he continues to harass her after she gets a restraining order, and the police do little to help. When he brutally beats her and ...
Chase (2019)
Chase (2019) A hitman must prove his loyalty to his mentor and best friend, while his girlfriend wants to leave the business behind them.
It Happened at Nightmare Inn (1973)
It Happened at Nightmare Inn (1973) Two sisters running a small hotel in Spain kill female tourists whose morals do not meet their strict religious standards.
All Quiet on the Western Front (1979)
All Quiet on the Western Front 1979 Paul Baumer is a young German who, along with his graduating high school classmates, enlist in the German Imperial Army during the First World War Originally thinking war would be a great adventure, Paul and his friends discover exactly the opposite as the war dra
Must Love Dogs (2005)
A forty-something preschool teacher looks to the personals for a change of pace and a relationship, with hilarious results.
American Pie Presents: Beta House (2007)
American Pie Presents: Beta House (2007) Erik, and Cooze start college and pledge the Beta House fraternity, presided over by none other than legendary Dwight Stifler. But chaos ensues when a fraternity of geeks threatens to stop the debauchery and the Betas have to make a stand for their right to p
The Immigrant (2013)
The Immigrant (2013) 1921. In search of a new start and the American dream, Ewa Cybulska and her sister Magda sail to New York from their native Poland. When they reach Ellis Island, doctors discover that Magda is ill, and the two women are separated. Ewa is released onto the mean streets of Manhatt
Uncle P (2007)
Uncle P (2007) Rapper/multi-millionaire P. Miller becomes the guardian of his sister's three children - all of whom need a father figure in their lives.
The Last Eagle Scout (2012)
The Last Eagle Scout (2012) In the not-so-distant future, society has allowed political correctness to go beyond the point of the absurd. For years the Boy Scots have been under the government microscope and finally have been mandated to close their doors for good. Boy Scot, Cliff Elliot, stirs the
Night of the Falling Stars (2021)
Night of the Falling Stars 2021 Night of the Falling Stars is a Sci Fi feature similar in tone and in the spirit of Shaun of the Dead Starring Robert Davi and Chris Greene who attempt to save the world from an intergalactic invasion of Aliens who create an army
Purgatory (1988)
Purgatory (1988) Two Peace Corps volunteers in Africa are framed and put into an oppressive women's prison.
Tequila Flavored Cigarettes (2019)
Tequila Flavored Cigarettes (2019) Set in the world of No More Lonely People, childhood friends reunite to celebrate Angelo, the last of their group to turn twenty three. As the night progresses old feelings come up and they start to question whether the system is perfect.
Mantervention (2014)
Mantervention (2014) Convinced romance is dead, a heart-broken man turns to his best-friend who plans an unorthodox 'Mantervention'.
Youre Killing Me (2023)
Youre Killing Me 2023 Follows Eden, who goes to a coveted Heaven and Hell party, hoping to get a letter of recommendation to an elite university from the wealthy parents of her classmate, but the party quickly turns into a fight for her life
Kneecap (2024)
Kneecap 2024 When fate brings Belfast teacher JJ into the orbit of self confessed low life scum Naoise and Liam Og, the needle drops on a hip hop act like no other Rapping in their native Irish, they lead a movement to save their mother ton