Storyline: Green Lantern (2011) In a mysterious universe, the Green Lantern Corps, an elite defense force of peace and justice have existed for centuries. Reckless test pilot Hal Jordan acquires superhuman powers when he is chosen by the Ring, the willpower-fed source of power. Reluctantly at first, he takes on the challenge after the death of Abin Sur, the finest Green Lantern. Putting his self-doubts aside, and spurred on by his sense of duty and love for his beautiful, intellectually equal, colleague, Carol Ferris, he is soon called to defend mankind from Parallax, a powerful, evil being who feeds on fear. Hal Jordan is the universe's last chance, as many Green Lanterns have been killed and the Corps is weakened. And he might just be the right Green Lantern for the duty of keeping the world safe from harm.
The Magnificent Dead (2010)
The Magnificent Dead (2010) The Magnificent Dead takes place in the 1870's in the small Texas town of Rosewood where local rancher Jared Hamilton and his men have declared war on the town, using fear and death to ...
Blowing Wild (1953)
Blowing Wild 1953 In a hypothetical country in South America, Jeff Dawson and his partner Dutch Peterson have invested all their savings in a lease contract to explore oil However, their expectation ruins when bandits blow the derrick of the oil well with dynamite and they get stranded in the town w
Jiu Jitsu (2020)
Jiu Jitsu (2020) A new Sci-Fi Martial Arts franchise from Dimitri Logothetis, Director/Producer of Kickboxer: Retaliation.
Tora san, Welcome Back (2019)
Tora san, Welcome Back 2019 The 50th film in Tora san series to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series The adult Mitsuo, Tora sans nephew, who runs into Izumi, his first love, whom he had once promised to marry The familiar faces of Kurumaya Cafe, which Tora sans family ran in Shibamata, also
Los Angeles (2021)
Los Angeles 2021 Los Angeles is the story of Jojo, a young mute, who thinks she hears God calling her to save the Baby Jesus She packs five angels in a shoe shine kit and takes a one way trip to Tampa, Florida, where she is picked up by Cash, an escaped convict The two hit the road with the FBI on t
Illicit Behavior (1992)
Illicit Behavior (1992) Melissa Yarnell is the wife of burned-out cop Mike Yarnell who takes out his frustrations on her. When she stood her limit, she turns to Matt Walker and Bill Tanner, other cops for protection. Their advances border on Illicit Behavior.
Luz (2018)
Luz (2018) Luz, a young cabdriver, drags herself into the brightly lit entrance of a run-down police station. A demonic entity follows her, determined to finally be close to the woman it loves.
Ferry 2 (2024)
Ferry 2 2024 After losing his drug empire, Ferry Bouman seems to have found peace away from Brabants underworld Why would he put it all on the line and come back
Dismantled A Scientific Deconstruction of The Theory of Evol
Dismantled A Scientific Deconstruction of The Theory of Evolution 2020 Weve been told that modern science and the theory of evolution have disproved the Genesis account of creation Weve been told that the fossil record proves that humans evolved from ape like creatures known as hominins over a perio
The Noise in Music (2021)
The Noise in Music 2021 Growing up in a musical family was magical for Dreamz Hart until he falls in love and family lies and shady business jeopardize it all
Backstreet Dreams (1990)
Backstreet Dreams (1990) Backstreet Dreams is the story of a man, who has a disturbed child. He and his wife take their son to a clinic, where he is diagnosed by a talented psychologist (Stevie), as being autistic. After catching his unfaithful wife with another man, Dean tells Lucy to leave, and is
The Invited 2015
A young married couple who are pregnant with their first child moves into their turn-of-the-century home where they discover that a great evil has resided there for nearly a century, ...
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003)
Tom (Steve Martin) and Kate Baker (Bonnie Hunt) have compromised their careers to raise 12 children. Tom coaches a high-school football team, while Kate has retired from journalism to raise the family. Things change when Tom is offered a college coaching job in a new city at the same time a publishe
No Way Home (1996)
No Way Home (1996) Six years ago Joey's life changed totally. A shop owner who lay in a pool of blood claimed that Joey was the perpetrator. Now the time is served and Joey has scars on both his body and his soul. He is determined to never go back to prison. He seeks his elder brother Tommy who has
My First Film (2024)
My First Film 2024 Follow a young filmmaker, as she recounts the story of struggling to make her first feature Fact bleeding into fiction, and past, present, and future converging to create a modern myth that redefines the very act of creation
The Inhabitants (2015)
A young couple gets more than they bargained for when they buy an historic bed and breakfast in New England only to discover that the old house is hiding a dark secret within its walls.
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 2022 A cash strapped Nicolas Cage agrees to make a paid appearance at a billionaire super fans birthday party, but is really an informant for the CIA since the billionaire fan is a drug kingpin and gets cast in a Tarantino movie
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992)
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992) Sequel to "Tetsuo" this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. When the skinheads capture him, they begin to experiment on him...speeding up the mutative process!