Storyline: Haunted Mansion 2023 A single mom named Gabbie hires a tour guide, a psychic, a priest and a historian to help exorcise her newly bought mansion after discovering it is inhabited by ghosts
Only (2019)
Only (2019) After a comet releases a mysterious virus that begins to kill all the women in the world, a young couple hides out in their over-sterilized apartment trying to fight for their lives.
The Sorcerers (1967)
The Sorcerers (1967) The great hypnotist Professor Montserrat has developed a technique for controlling the minds, and sharing the sensations, of his subjects. He and his wife Estelle test the technique on Mike Roscoe, and enjoy 'being' the younger man. But Estelle soon grows to love the power of co
The Long Dark Hall (1951)
The Long Dark Hall 1951 Arthur Groome works in London and has a devoted family in Richmond Shortly after he starts seeing a showgirl she is found murdered and the circumstantial evidence points to the innocent if naive Groome
The Clearstream Affair (2014)
The Clearstream Affair (2014) Journalist Denis Robert sparked a storm in the world of European finance by denouncing the murky operations of banking firm Clearstream. His quest to reveal the truth behind a secret world of shadowy multinational banking puts him in contact with an ever-expanding anti-
Twogether (1992)
Twogether (1992) An artist and an environmentalist go through an up and down relationship over the years. They get married in an early fling, she gets pregnant as they celebrate their divorce together, they deal with his nude artwork and her tempermental situation as they learn about her strict upbr
Tom and Jerry: Spy Quest 2015
Two groups of classic cartoon characters come together in this fun-filled crossover with the popular action-adventure animated series Jonny Quest. Fans of all ages won't want to miss this ...
Populaire (2012)
Populaire (2012) Spring, 1958. 21-year-old Rose Pamphyle lives with her grouchy widower father who runs the village store. Engaged to the son of the local mechanic, she seems destined for the quiet, drudgery-filled life of a housewife. But that's not the life Rose longs for. When she travels to Lisi
This Is Home: A Refugee Story (2018)
This Is Home: A Refugee Story (2018) Four Syrian families struggling to find their way in America.
Life Inside Out (2013)
When a mother returns to her musical roots, she rediscovers the passion of her youth, and finds a way to connect with her troubled youngest son.
Mataharis (2007)
Mataharis (2007) Private detective Inés infiltrates the employees at a multinational corporation. Thanks to the collaboration of Manuel, she gets to the heart of company intrigues. But her investigation brings her face to face with a difficult emotional and ethical decision. Eva, just back from mat
El Coyote (2019)
El Coyote (2019) The Italian mob descends on the Mexico border, to take on the most powerful cartel in America. Spencer ex mobster in witness protection battles the cartel who captured his son. His mob buddies come to Arizona to help him handle the cartel.
The Hanged Man (2008)
The Hanged Man (2008) A story of a passionate sentimental initiation out of the ordinary; with a crime story and suspects, and two young characters.
Night Nurse (1931)
Night Nurse (1931) Lora Hart manages to land a job in a hospital as a trainee nurse. Upon completion of her training she goes to work as a night nurse for two small children who seem to be very sick, but something much more sinister is going on.
Last Rites (2006)
In Los Angeles, a meteor bringing some sort of disease falls on a group of homeless and turns them into flesh eater zombies. Meanwhile, two rival gangs are dealing drugs with an ...
Wattstax (1973)
Wattstax (1973) Documentary with a selection from a non-stop 7-hour musical event at Watts, the Los Angeles Coliseum, August 20, 1972. It's a sort of Woodstock event but with black artists, namely the groups Dramatics, Staple Singers, Rance Allen Group, Emotions, Bar Kays, Mel & Tim.
Bounty Killer (2013)
Bounty killers compete for body count, fame and a fat stack of cash. They're ending the plague of corporate greed and providing the survivors of the apocalypse with retribution. This is the age of the BOUNTY KILLER.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019) A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.