Storyline: Teenage Space Vampires 1999 Bill, a high school student and avid horror movie fan, witnesses a UFO flying over his town When the ship lands the next day, Bill and a team from SETI discover that the alien is a strange vampire creature who wants to cast the Earth into darkness so that he and his people can colonize it for themselves Will Bill and the others be able to keep the Sun shining
Sommersby (1993)
Sommersby (1993) Set in the south of the United States just after the Civil War, Laurel Sommersby is just managing to work the farm without her husband Jack, believed killed in the Civil War. By all accounts, Jack Sommersby was not a pleasant man, thus when he returns, Laurel has mixed emotions. It
Nómadas (2010)
Nómadas (2010) A drama about a filmmaker working on a project about subway suicides.
In Search of the Last Action Heroes (2019)
In Search of the Last Action Heroes (2019) A comprehensive retrospective of the '80s action film genre.
Twilight (1990)
Twilight 1990 When a schoolgirl is found murdered in the woods, a retiring detective tries to find her murderer
My Perfect Romance (2018)
My Perfect Romance (2018) Newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, Wes Robinson, is looking for new ideas to boost the company's sales. Vivian Blair, a program developer, shares a dating algorithm she has been working ...
Darkness (2002)
Darkness (2002) There's something in this house... Something ancient and dark that remains still, hidden and silent. It can only wait, having been concealed in the shadows for years. In fact, its milieu is darkness. Only in it can it show itself and move. It even takes its name: DARKNESS. It's lived
Faking A Murderer (2020)
Faking A Murderer (2020) In search of their next hit series, two filmmakers embark on an investigation to find a man they believe to be a serial killer. Are they in over their heads? Yes.
Devils Pond (2003)
Devils Pond (2003) What starts out as a romantic honeymoon on a deserted island turns into a horrible nightmare as Julianne discovers that her new husband is psychotic. she is trapped on the island by her fear of water, and he has no plans of ever returning to civilization, or even of letting her go
Legacy (2013)
Legacy 2013 An MI6 agent tries to make contact with an old friend who now works at the Russian embassy tells him that his father was a Russian spy and he suspects his father may have been involved in Operation Legacy a network of secret caches hidden by the KGB in strategic locations in western coun
Faith Heist A Christmas Caper (2022)
Faith Heist A Christmas Caper 2022 On Christmas Eve, Pastor Benjamin and his diverse crew of congregants find themselves locked in the local mall just as a fearsome team of armed thieves breaks in to rob the place
Madea Witness Protection 2012 1
A Wall Street investment banker who has been set up as the linchpin of his company's mob-backed Ponzi scheme is relocated with his family to Aunt Madea's southern home.
Gettysburg 2011
In 1863, the Northern and Southern forces fight at Gettysburg in the decisive battle of the American Civil War.
Madame Hyde (2017)
Madame Hyde (2017) Mrs. Géquil is a teacher despised by her colleagues and students. On a stormy night, she is struck by lightning and faints. When she wakes up, she feels different. Will she be able to keep the powerful and dangerous Mrs. Hyde contained?
The Swarm (1978)
Killer bees from South America have been breeding with the gentler bees of more northern climes, slowly extending their territory northward decade after decade. Entomologist Brad Crane has discovered that something is making them come together in huge, killer swarms. He wants to keep the General Sla
2067 (2020)
2067 (2020) One man's journey to the future to save a dying world.
Premonition (1955)
Premonition (1955) Musician Kim Stanger returns to his hometown, but is troubled by a vague premonition that something is wrong. Indeed, his friends and family seem quite uncomfortable to see him. He particularly wants to see his father, but he learns that his father is dead. His family tells him th
Vulgar Fractions (2011)
Vulgar Fractions (2011) Vulgar Fractions ostensibly begins as a physical exploration of seven unique state intersections along Nebraska, but eventually reveals itself as more concerned with attempting to uncover an underlying metaphysical construction that feeds ideas of both real and imaginary bord