Storyline: The Red Light Sting 1984 Government agent Frank Powell Beau Bridges is determined to bring down racketeering crime lord Oliver Sully Harold Gould but cannot find any evidence Powell concocts a plan to have the Justice Department buy a brothel, set up a professional call girl named Kathy Dunn Farrah Fawcett as a hostess, and get the crime boss on extortion
Wendy and Lucy (2008)
A woman's life is derailed en route to a potentially lucrative summer job. When her car breaks down, and her dog is taken to the pound, the thin fabric of her financial situation comes ...
Mitchell (1975)
Mitchell (1975) Joe Don Baker is Mitchell- a hard-nosed, soft-bellied cop with an affinity for porn and Schlitz. His latest assignment has him engaging in no-speed car chases, yelling at children, shooting innocents and sloppily carousing Linda Evans.
Quan min mu ji (2013)
Quan min mu ji (2013) In a murder case, where a young rich girl is accused of killing her father's girlfriend, erything seems clear since the beginning. The evidences against her are crushing. But nothing seems to be as it looks, and the plot is constantly overturning when new evidences, witnesses a
Townhouse Confidential (2023)
Townhouse Confidential 2023 When the three Perry sisters, Elizabeth, Lydia, and Mary, inherit a New York City townhouse from their Jane Austen loving parents, the race is on to find a wealthy tenant to rent their garden apartment to cover their mortgage, tax
Alarum (2025)
Alarum 2025 Two rogue spies go off grid, marry, and come under attack at their remote cabin hideaway by various intel agencies seeking a stolen hard drive
Greed in the Sun (1964)
Greed in the Sun (1964) Rocco and his female accomplice, Angèle hijack a truck from a trucking company in the Saharan desert. The head of the trucking company, Castigliano hires Rocco's friend, Hervé and a newly employed German, Hans to go after him and bring back the valuable goods. After the two
Mimi (1935)
Mimi (1935) The story of a struggling playwright in 1850s Paris and his mate whose love furnishes him with the inspiration he has long sought.
StalkHer (2015)
Jack is pushed past the brink of his stalking obsession when he decides to break into Emilys home to take what he wants by force. However, his plans for her pain and his pleasure come unhinged when he wakes up to find himself bleeding and bound to a chair in her kitchen. For one night Jack and Emily
Attenborough and the Sea Dragon (2018)
Attenborough and the Sea Dragon (2018) Sir David Attenborough investigates the discovery of a 200 million year old Ichthyosaur on the Jurassic Coast in southern England.
Az almafa viraga (2023)
Az almafa viraga 2023 Song Ha, a young Vietnamese woman arrives in Budapest with a distinctive goal she wants to discover her roots While she investigates the past, a romantic relationship blossoms between her and Viktor, a Hungarian man
Playing Mona Lisa (2000)
Playing Mona Lisa 2000 Claire Goldstein is a gifted pianist, but the same week that none of her friends pass a major competition, including her boyfriend Jeremy, he dumps her An earthquake in San Francisco damages her apartment, so she must cross town to live with her parents Her sister is about to
Holy Terror (2002)
Holy Terror (2002) Possessed by a demon in life and forced to spend eternity doing the devils bidding in death, a malevolent nun returns to life to torment a young couple and their terrified friends in director Massimiliano Cerchis sacrilegious shocker. A young couple has just moved into their new r
Invisible Adversaries (1977)
Invisible Adversaries 1977 Anna, an artist, is obsessed with the invasion of alien doubles bent on total destruction Her schizophrenia is reflected in the juxtapositions of long movie camera takes with violently edited montages private with public spaces black amp white with colour, still photograph
Guide (1965)
Guide 1965 Raju is released from jail much before his term he decides to go back to his usual life of Guide But changes his mind and reaches a small religious village where people mistake him of being a god men and call him Swami Few months later his mother and lover Rosie come to jail on his actual
Legend of the Demon Seal (2019)
Legend of the Demon Seal (2019) Working as an ordinary artist on Bai Ze's comic project The Legend of Demon Sea has aspiring artist Feng Xue feeling like wasted talent. To vent his frustration, he begins another version ...
Manana es hoy (2022)
Manana es hoy 2022 A family is on holiday in 1991 when their teenage daughter decides to elope with her boyfriend Their parents travel forward in time to 2022 and see how much Spain has changed in three decades
Stuck in the Groove A Vinyl Documentary (2021)
Stuck in the Groove A Vinyl Documentary 2021 A Documentary film exploring the history and evolution of vinyl records Featuring Interviews with the experts, musicians and fans alike, Stuck in the Groove takes you on a journey of vinyl mania, music and nostalgia
Pretty Smart (1987)
Pretty Smart (1987) In this adolescent-oriented drama, a young woman is forced to attend a posh finishing school in the Mediterranean. She vents her anger by rebelling against the cruel and sicko headmaster. When she discovers that he has been secretly photographing them naked and profiting from the