Storyline: Ticket to Paradise 2022 The film follows Wren Butler, a recent University of Chicago graduate who accompanies her best friend Lily to a post graduation jaunt to Bali Lilys abrupt decision to marry a Balinese local triggers her parents to team to try and stop her from repeating their mistake from 25 years ago Wren stays in Bali for the engagementwedding festivities and, in the process, finds her own love with a local doctor
Mistletoe Ranch (2022)
Mistletoe Ranch 2022 Aimee, a young professional photographer whose job it is to follow boss Gustav, a world famous photographer himself As the holidays approach, Aimee receives notice that her familys traditional Christmas celebrations are under th
Class Trip (1998)
Class Trip 1998 A schoolboy Nicholas always worries about something When he goes on a school skiing trip, all his visions and nightmares take him over
Rafinha Bastos Ultimato (2018)
Rafinha Bastos Ultimato 2018 An off color joke nearly cost him everything Brazilian comic Rafinha Bastos talks about that an much more, from his divorce to finding love again
Sniper Português (2020)
Sniper Português (2020) A portuguese sniper is sent to the jungle of Colombia, to seek out a mysterious mercenary sniper, that is working for the enemy, to eliminate a top rebel leader.
Maybe Baby (2000)
Maybe Baby (2000) Sam and Lucy Bell are a married couple who seem to have it all: good looks, successful careers and an enthusiastic love life. The only thing they lack is the one thing they want most - a baby. They try everything in their efforts to reproduce: New Age chanting, acupuncture, creativ
City of God: 10 Years Later (2013)
City of God: 10 Years Later (2013) A film documentary about the fate of the young actors of the award winning film City of God by Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund. It shows how their lives unfolded after the film's worldwide success.
The Haunted Strangler (1958)
The Haunted Strangler (1958) A writer investigating the execution of a serial killer known as "The Haymarket Strangler" 20 years previously begins to suspect that the wrong man might have been hanged. However, when he picks up a scalpel used by the murderer, he finds himself possessed by t
Lawn Dogs (1997)
Lawn Dogs (1997) Newly arrived in an up-market housing development, quiet ten-year-old Devon doesn't quite fit in. Ignoring the urgings of her social-climbing father, Devon chooses the company of Trent, who mows the estate's lawns, rather than of the girls her own age. Their friendship grows during
Phantom Halo (2014)
Brothers Samuel and Beckett Emerson are barely scraping by. Their father, Warren, continues to gamble and drink away any money they bring home. With all the havoc that is constantly going ...
Ghost Babe (2023)
Ghost Babe 2023 Taylor and his surfer buddies think they have struck gold when he inherits a mansion by the beach But dreams of days spent riding waves and chasing girls come crashing down as the mansion is haunted by the ghost of a 1930s starlet
Hot Nights on the Campus (1966)
Hot Nights on the Campus 1966 Naive small town Indiana gal Sally arrives in New York City to attend college While in New York Sally lives with four more worldly and uninhibited female roommates, goes to wild swinging parties, and falls for both a college professor and a young athletics major Complic
Body of Night (2020)
Body of Night 2020 A woman explores the dark side of online dating when she meets a mysterious man who engages her in a series of increasingly dangerous tests of her ability
Mandragore (1952)
Mandragore (1952) A scientist creates a beautiful "perfect woman", but since she is artificial, she seems soul-less and with no sense of morality, she brings ruin to all around her.
Blood Money (1974)
Blood Money (1974) During a hold-up in the Wild West, Dakota kills a rich old Chinese man, Wang. Later, he is captured, sentenced, and is about to be hanged - but he never profited from Wang's death- only finding the photographs of his four widows and a fortune cookie. Meanwhile, Lo comes to America
The Sisters Plotz (2015)
The Sisters Plotz (2015) Three eccentric heiresses who live with their butler.
Octopus Heart (2024)
Octopus Heart 2024 Octopus Heart is a powerful documentary linking emotional trauma to Takotsubo Syndrome Through Anastazijas journey of loss and resilience, it reveals how emotional turmoil impacts health, inspiring awareness and healing
Rambo IV 2008
Rambo IV 2008 When a group of missionary aid workers in Myanmar disappear into the vast green inferno, vigilante Vietnam War veteran John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) leaves his job as a Salween River boatman behind to accompany a group of mercenaries on a daring rescue mission. It's been 20 years sin