Storyline: A sheltered late night radio show host who offers escapism to his audience via his narrations of his 19th century romance novels, finds a brutalized young woman and takes her in to take care of her, which makes his psyche start to crack
Signature Move (2017)
Signature Move (2017) Zaynab is a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago who takes care of her TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling.
Cristo Rey (2013)
Cristo Rey 2013 Set in the Dominican Republic, Leticia Tonos Paniaguas uniquely Caribbean retelling of Romeo and Julie chronicles the love between a kind hearted teenager, ostracized for his mixed Haitian Dominican descent, and the beautiful sister of a local drug kingpin hes hired to protect
Bride of Boogedy (1987)
Bride of Boogedy (1987) A family with a great love for practical jokes is haunted by the family ghost Mr. Boogedy.
Mary Stevens, M D (1933)
Mary Stevens, M D 1933 Mary Stevens Kay Francis and her old friend Don Andrews Lyle Talbot find themselves graduating from medical school at the same time They decide to set up their respective medical offices in the same building Mary builds her reputation despite many patients refusing to be treat
Take Me to Tarzana (2021)
Take Me to Tarzana (2021) After learning their company has been illicitly spying, collecting and selling data on them, three millennial friends band together to fight back against a lecherous boss and the company's maniacal, Tarzan-obsessed CEO.
Muoi The Curse Returns (2022)
Muoi The Curse Returns 2022 Linh accepts the invitation to visit Hang, her long lost best friend at a old house in a nearby city During her stay, Linh discovers the haunted portrait of Muoi and its curse throughout years of anger Linh has to make a life an
Lava (2019)
Deborah makes a living by drawing the skin of her clients One night, her housemate invites her boyfriend and friend to their house Sitting in the armchair, they consume the series of the moment, Gain of Clones, until, suddenly, the signal is cut off and the screen is dyed red while subliminal images
Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary (1975)
Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary 1975 A beautiful artist moonlights as a vampire while in Mexico, killing lovers of both sex It seems that the only person who has any chance of stopping her reign of terror is her father, whos also a vampire
What About Bob? (1991)
What About Bob? (1991) Doctor Leo Marvin, an egotistical psychotherapist in New York City, is looking forward to his forthcoming appearance on a "Good Morning America" telecast, during which he plans to brag about "Baby Steps," his new book about emotional disorder theories in which he details his p
Cat Run 2 2014
Gritty and action-packed, Cat Run 2 stars the seductive Winter Ave Zoli (Sons of Anarchy), as a high-end call girl with a secret military connection. Better than ever, Scott Mechlowicz and Alphonso McAuley return as Anthony and Julian, the unlikely team of bumbling, up-and-coming private detectives.
The Party (2017)
The Party (2017) Janet hosts a party to celebrate her new promotion, but once the guests arrive it becomes clear that not everything is going to go down as smoothly as the red wine.
Bone Cage (2020)
Bone Cage (2020) Jamie works operating a wood processor, clear-cutting for pulp. At the end of each shift, he walks through the destruction he has created looking for injured animals, and rescues those he can. Jamie's desire to break free from this world is thwarted by the very environment and circu
Terror Street (1953)
Terror Street (1953) Bill Rogers, an American pilot taking special training in the States, gets an unauthorized hop to England to pay a surprise visit his beautiful Norwegian wife. He is devastated when he finds that she has moved out of their flat and is living a new and glamorous lifestyle enterta
Once Were Enemies (2013)
Once Were Enemies (2013) Two parallel stories of Japanese and American WWII enemies play out on the island where they fought 60 years prior. They meet face-to-face for the first time and their adventures take them into the jungle where remnants of their fighting still remain untouched.
Black Eagle (1988)
Black Eagle (1988) One of the US Air Force's most modern tactical aircraft, an F-111 Aardvark with a new laser guidance system, crashes into the sea near Malta - a region where the Soviet forces are highly present, too. The CIA immediately sends out their best secret agent, Ken Tami, to salvage the
Grizzly (1976)
Grizzly (1976) An eighteen-foot grizzly bear figures out that humans make for a tasty treat. As a park ranger tries rallying his men to bring about the bear's capture or destruction, his efforts are thwarted by the introduction of dozens of drunken hunters into the area.
One Point O (2004)
One Point O 2004 After receiving mysterious empty packages inside his apartment, a young computer programmer named Simon begins a personal investigation into their origins This leads him to discover his odd and eccentric neighbors an artificially intelligent robot head, named Adam a virtual reality