Storyline: In the clandestine research tower of a ruthless Japanese security and arms company, Saisei Security, scientist MALI awakens employed mercenaries killed in combat, their death giving rise to...
Wild Wind (1985)
Wild Wind (1985) During World War 2, a special Allied unit is formed to destroy a Nazi armored train that has been terrorizing the Yugoslavian countryside.
Invisible Portraits (2020)
Invisible Portraits (2020) (In)Visible Portraits shatters the too-often invisible otherizing of Black women in America and reclaims the true narrative as told in their own words.
Detour (2016)
Detour (2016) Law student and all round good guy, Harper, suspects that his scheming step-father, Vincent, is responsible for the car crash that sent his mother into a coma. Drowning his sorrows one evening in a seedy L.A whiskey bar, Harper is interrupted by a tough looking redneck called Johnny Ra
Beaconsfield (2012)
Beaconsfield (2012) The true story of Brant Webb and Todd Russell, who were trapped nearly a kilometer below the surface.
Kiss Napoleon Goodbye (1990)
Kiss Napoleon Goodbye 1990 Tension erupts when a couple shares their secluded hideaway with a visiting friend
The Comedian (2012)
The Comedian (2012) Ed (Edward Hogg) is at a crossroads in his life. In his early thirties, his unrewarding job in a call centre is getting more and more frustrating, while his career as a stand-up is not taking off in the way he hoped it would; in fact, he's starting to acknowledge he might not be
Dognapped (2014)
Dognapped (2014) When the neighborhood's beloved dogs are stolen by a comic book-inspired villain with an evil plan, it is up to eight brave and adventurous kids to set out on a mission to rescue their furry friends.
Fireworks Ferris Wheels and Love (1997)
Fireworks Ferris Wheels and Love 1997 Kunihiko Morihara was left a widower eight years ago when his wife passed away He attends his first mixer party under the guidance of his daughter There he meets Fumika and starts conversation Kunihiko is too shy to show his love since hes much older than Fumika
Hidden in the Woods (2014)
Hidden in the Woods (2014) idden in the Woods tells the story of two sisters who have been raised in isolation, subjected to the torment of their abusive, drug dealing father. When they finally decide to report him to the police, he kills the two officers and is put in jail. But things go from bad t
Real Genius (1985)
Teenage geniuses deal with their abilities while developing a laser.
Art of Darkness (2014)
Art of Darkness (2014) Art of Darkness is a feature documentary intimately profiling controversial painter and performance artist Bryan Lewis Saunders. Bryan is renowned for his commitment to producing a self portrait every day, which, to date, number well over 10,000. A complex individual with admi
Girls Like Magic (2015)
Girls Like Magic (2015) 'Girls like Magic' explores the blurring lines of the friendship between MAGIC, a naive people-pleasing Brit and JAMIE, a hard-edged, self-sabotaging lesbian as they fall for each other in more ways than one.
Beyond The Spectrum Maussans UFO Files (2019)
Beyond The Spectrum Maussans UFO Files (2019) Watch his story unfold as we recount his rise as a journalist covering some of the most controversial UFO events seen across Mexico in history. Jaime Maussan started his career in ...
Horatio Hornblower Retribution (2001)
Horatio Hornblower Retribution 2001 Before taking the Renown back to Jamaica for their court martial on charges of mutiny, Hornblower, Kennedy, and Bush convince an insecure and indecisive Lt Buckland, now acting captain, that it would be appropriate to launch a surprise attack on the Spanish fortre
Quicksand (2023)
Quicksand 2023 Follows a married couple almost divorcing who become trapped in quicksand while hiking through a rainforest in Colombia They will battle the elements of the jungle and must work together in order to survive
We, the Dead (2017)
We, the Dead (2017) What is the price of staying alive? A young Chinese Malaysian woman, with dreams of a better life in Taiwan, finds herself involved in a criminal underworld of danger and death.
Lora (2007)
Lora (2007) A twentysomething girl has lost the love of her life. Or maybe she hasn't.