Storyline: The Lion Guard (2016) Disney's 1994 classic "The Lion King" is one of the most beloved animated films in the company's storied history. This follow-up series introduces Simba's son, fun-loving Kion, who is happy that his sister, Kiara, is destined to rule the Pride Lands. He soon discovers that as the second-born he has his own destiny: to lead the Lion Guard, a team that protects the Pride Lands and defends the Circle of Life. As the leader, Kion receives the Roar of the Elders; a power that makes him the fiercest creature in the land. But he can't do it alone, so he assembles a team of animals who are brave, strong and fast. His team includes honey badger Bunga, hippo Beshte, cheetah Fuli and egret Ono.
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